March Expenses: Dentist Visit and “Free” First-Class Plane Tickets
March: The beginning of the travel expenses for the Big Tran-siberian Train Trip – including $20,000 first-class plane tickets for $300. Plus, a dentist visit.
March: The beginning of the travel expenses for the Big Tran-siberian Train Trip – including $20,000 first-class plane tickets for $300. Plus, a dentist visit.
This month was marked by high household expenses, new bike brake pads, and pretty low restaurant spending.
Every month, I post my expenses and other data about my life. I’m a bit behind, but here is January’s.
[03/04/2017] Got the D5600 today from my local photo store. This is my first "new" camera ever (it’s recent enough there’s no used ones really available)- and my last D5000 I bought used in 2009, so I’m excited for a camera upgrade after 8 years. Technology has really improved (plus all the issues my D5000…
It’s March 1st, and we’re officially 1/6th done with 2017. Which is terrifying, given all the things on my plate for this year. This month is a packed month.
For 2017, I’m focusing on goals that are business actions not outcomes. Because I need hustle & grace.
So I had a big, beautiful post written called Hustle & Grace about how this year I’m focusing on actions not outcomes. And in it, I said that instead of publishing a massive list of goals for the year like I usually do, I am focusing on things within my control rather than externally-influenced outcomes. But to…
[12/26/2016] Day after Christmas. Morning cardio circuit at NECC, followed by spending the day working on Oh My Dollar. Wrote a fundraising email for StreamPDX, read a bit, and biked to hot yoga at Yoga Union. Came home sweaty and rained on and took this photo before bed :-P Do I look tough? Or just…
I’ve been posting my new years resolutions online and then reviewing my success at the end of the year. 2016 was a giant cluster of crazy where absolutely nothing worked out the way it was planned. 2016, in a nutshell, was unpredictable: 3 totally different careers, a jump into self-employment, moving house with a week’s notice, a crazy presidential election, and, well, we’ll see how that did in the resolutions:
[10/19/2016] Spent the day mostly working on the business: morning at the bank to get my business account set up (Rivermark Credit Union!) – brief interlude for coffee with Patrick downtown, and an incredibly hard lunchtime work out (it’s called Pyrolates and holy crap it was hard- I am sore in new places and I…