Personal Website of Lillian Karabaic
I am Lillian Karabaic.
I am a public radio host and multimedia journalist, and I give talks about money.
Every week, I talk Dough 💰 and Eat Donuts 🍩 on youtube. I wrote a cat-filled book about purrsonal finance. I also make art about my personal data.
A Cat’s Guide to Money, will be entering its third printing summer 2024.
You have reached the personal website of Lillian Karabaic. Here you can find quantified self content, monthly personal financial reports, and information on booking her as a speaker.
Lillian Karabaic is a Ziggy-Stardust-costume-silver-boots-with-butterfly-wings-wearing kinda queer who made every gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans kid in high school feel like they were a-oh-kay. – Forbes
Her syndicated radio show, Oh My Dollar! made personal finance accessible and non-scary from 2016- 2023. Here’s the last episodes:
Lillian Karabaic lives in Portland, Oregon where she teaches personal finance to millennials through workshops, courses, and a weekly podcast as Oh My Dollar! She also makes a lot of graphs, wonks about transportation, rides a beautiful yellow custom bicycle, and organizes people and things. She eats 3 tacos every morning for breakfast.
She’s traveled to (and ridden trains in) 41 countries and plans to visit all of them, eventually.

She’s also a co-founder of StreamPDX, a community podcast studio in a 1960’s Airstream trailer.
From 2013-2016, she was a member of the Portland Bureau of Transportation Advisory Committee and is happy to answer your questions about massive spreadsheets of government grants.
Previously, she was the Digital Director for the Democratic Party of Oregon, Development Manager at the Community Cycling Center, database manager at Bitch Media, the Zine Librarian for the Independent Publishing Resource Center and worked in outreach & education at the Bicycle Transportation Alliance and Oregon Walks. She served two terms in Americorps and is passionate about public service.
She knows that’s a lot of jobs to keep track of, so she made you this transit map of her career:
In 2007, she started the Bowie Vs Prince dance party bike ride. After 9 years of annual rides, it grew to include more than 1,500 people a year – and was featured in media near and far.
She serves breakfast and coffee to bike commuters on the Tillikum bridge every last Friday of the month from 7AM to 9AM as part of Breakfast on the Bridges. Occasionally in superhero garb.

She has participated in three Project 365s, where she takes a self-portrait of herself every day for a year. She also took a picture of everything she bought for an entire year. While it has increased her photography skills slightly, mostly it has made her capable of making a fool of herself in public with no regrets, as seen here: