Tomorrow! Adulting with Brunch!

Sleep in an extra hour tomorrow because of Daylight Savings Time and then join us at Adulting with Brunch for a 5K run, vegan brunch, and then co-working in the style of Pomodoro Poker. I wanna see you there!


HOLY CRAP LAST MINUTE DEMOCRACY PARTY 3rd November, 2014 7:15PM to 8:30PM at Cascade Brewing, 939 SE Belmont Did you not turn in your ballot yet? Maybe you’re still deciding or just really like still getting mail from Measure 92. At any rate, come join for a voting party. We’ll have all the election guides, non-American…

“Will this MAX take me home?”

I’m just a poor little piece of the PDX airport carpet, all lost. Do you think this red line MAX will take me home? [caption id="attachment_439" align="aligncenter" width="680"] I think this is my train…[/caption] [caption id="attachment_441" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Wait, am I PDX airport carpet or SEXY PDX airport carpet?[/caption] [caption id="attachment_440" align="aligncenter" width="638"] I’ll just run and…

A Crazy Request

I have a crazy request. Please forward me your favorite fundraising emails you’ve ever gotten. Ones that made you laugh, cry, donate, forward. Have you saved them? Can you send them to my inbox? Ping them to lillian (at) anomalily (dot) net

My newest excuse

Now that marriage equality is the law in the majority of US states, my newest excuse for why I won’t marry comes from Siri: My end user agreement does not include marriage.

Nonprofit Life

Try to flirt with a girl on Dattch, end up recruiting her for my drop-in volunteer night. I don’t have work/life boundaries at all.