[07/07/2016] Turned 29 today. Had a birthday including a great 6AM workout with Kim at Barre3 (free for my birthday) followed by a coffee. Had a good, if packed day at work, then headed to rooftop drinks at Departure with my folks and Aaron. After an amazing vegan cheese platter at Vtopia, we stopped at a cute little bar that just opened near our house.
Decided to do a 365 project again (4th time now) leading up to my 30th birthday next year. Here goes!
Mood: 5/6
Sleep: 7h,02m (10:26PM to 05:28AM)
Miles Biked: 10.8
Drinks of Alcohol: 5
Drinks of Caffeine: 3
Weather: Warm and Drizzling
Originally Posted on Flickr http://ift.tt/29GEQ8i