[08/02/2016] Today had short but surprisingly challenging morning run, went to work on emails and design all day, and then after work, I helped clean out this old airstream trailer that we’re working on turning into a podcasting studio.
Question: I’m having this bizarre issue with my Nikon D5000 where it will only work on self-timer when Live View is on. True in all exposure settings. Any hunch? Live View is such a battery drain.
We’re Here: Bored at "Home" (it’s a mobile home!)
Mood: 4/6
Sleep: 8h,14m (10:14PM to 6:29AM)
Miles Biked: 4.7
Miles Run: 1.7
Drinks of Alcohol: 0
Drinks of Caffeine: 2
Weather: 80F
Originally Posted on Flickr http://ift.tt/2aNdnkw