February 2020 Report: Only Averaging 60 Hours Now

February 2020 report

This month I’m still in my “I’m working a ton and everything else is falling apart” mode – I’m still working a full-time job, my 15-hour-week job doing Finance & Grants for Xray.Fm and, of course, working on Oh My Dollar!

I’m barely holding it together for all the jobs – number of hours aside, it’s just a lot of different priorities to juggle and keep in my head. I just keep forgetting things – forgetting I hadn’t mailed out stickers for Snackuary, for example – to even just forgetting to do things around the house. I’ve been making mistakes at my full-time day job that are out of character for me because I’m not managing the stress well.

I did try out meal prepping this month (video forthcoming) and that was pretty rad. I think I’m sold now.

I decided to not going to skating sectionals in March, as with my work schedule, I’m simply not finding enough free time to go to the rink – there’s such limited freestyle sessions available at the rink in town, and it takes me  3 hours round-trip to go skate for a just an hour out in the suburbs, and I just can’t afford that time right now if I also want to prioritize other things.

Did I mention I’m working more than 60 hours a week right now? Grand total of work hours for February was 235 hours.

I am saving a heck of a lot of money. But I also spent a lot of money. It’s amazing what a “big shovel” of income can get you.

Still doing the livestreams, and hope to have my first video of the year about meal planning out soon.

I talk about my ABSURD tax refund in this livestream.

February 2020 Post-Tax Income: $4,696.16

  • Refund from Bank: $75.00
  • Data Job: $3,204.31
  • Radio Job: $872.31
  • Tax Refunds: $603
  • Oh My Dollar (full income/expenses report below): $0 – took no income this month
  • Checking Interest: $.01
  • Reconciliation Adjustment -$58.47 (old accounting issue fixed)

Full February 2020 Spending Report

Donut chart of my February 2020 finances

Total Spent: $1,471.78

11.7% of total annual budget at 16.4% of the way through the year.

Household & Insurance – $744.35

  • Rent: $615
  • Water, Commons, Garbage, Sewer: $27.50
  • Trash: $7.50
  • Electricity: $30.35
  • Household Items (detergent, TP, toothpaste, razors, etc): $16.16
  • Internet at Home: $0 This is now paid for by SSO’s employer due to being remote employee, was $20 per month.

Transport – $59

  • New Bike Pannier: $59

Basic Food – $152.70

  • Basic Groceries: $135.77
  • Treats (non-essential snacks): $16.93
  • Coffee/Tea For Home: $0 (through work)

Travel – $0

Health – $65 ***Why this is so cheap

  • Health Insurance Premium: $17.00
  • Massage to fix whatever the heck my shoulder was doing: $48

Figure Skating $102.89

Figure skating is super expensive- ice time is one of the most expensive things you can buy. Currently, I’m mostly skating on low-traffic public session at a mall instead of the advanced freestyle sessions and take as little private coaching as I can (private lessons are essential at my skill level). I pay for 7 weeks of public skate time at once and try to get my marginal cost per hour as low as possible. For 2019, my marginal cost per hour of skating was $7.06/hour. Year-to-date in 2020, it is $4.27 per hour.

  • Freestyle: $48  – I am now having to go to freestyle sessions almost exclusively due to my work schedule and the crowded public ice.
  • Coaching: $20 – one 20 minute lesson
  • Training Clothing: $34.89 (warm up jacket, used off ebay)

Looking Good – $224.97

  • Hair Stuff: $29.00 (fancy spray stuff that maybe makes me look like a unicorn
  • Haircut: $60
  • Clothing: $135.97 (11 pieces, all used except 1 bra, mostly from Thredup)

Food & Drink Out – $10

  • Restaurants: $10 at a restaurant on a work outing.

Giving/Gifts – $41.00

  • Charitable Donations: $41

Flotsam –  $.99

  • Spending Money: $.99 an app

Costuming: $129.88

  • 50% Deposit on Costume: $129.88

Retirement savings: $234

Cash  savings: $3,170.02

YTD Total Savings: $5,218/$20,000 goal

OMD Business Income + Expenses Report

I am not living off OMD income this year, so I’m investing more into contractors and other people to work on the show while I work two other jobs. I also have turned down a lot of work this year so I can focus on my other jobs.

This is cash-based accounting, not accrual, so this only accounts for income received this month, not invoices billed.

Gross Receipts + Sales: $878.00

  • Amazon Book + Kindle Sales (net after fees): $63.86
  • Shopify/Direct to Consumer Book Sales: $114.80
  • Radio Ads: $26.47
  • Wholesale (Buyolympia): $125.10
  • Interest: $.02
  • Patreon Memberships: $582.98
  • [Reconciling Adjustment]: -$8.56

Total Expenses: $529.15

Contractors: $118.60

  • Artwork $85.00
  • Transcription : $33.60

Operating Expenses: $243.51

  • Phone: $0 (prepaid)
  • Office Supplies: $68.77
  • Research: $9.86
  • Convertkit: $49
  • Exist.io $6.00
  • Meals: $9.13
  • Backblaze : $6.00
  • Storage: $8.97
  • Hosting + Servers: $20.00 (Linode and Dreamhost)
  • Sonix: $18.90 (will be phased out as I do the work to copy old transcripts out of their player)
  • Adobe Creative Cloud: $29.99
  • Marketing: $20.79

Cost of Goods Sold: $118.16

  • Shopify Monthly Fee: $29.00
  • Shipping Supplies: $11.99
  • Shipping: $77.17

Equipment: $13.99

  • Computer Peripherals: $13.99

Net Income: $348.85

  • Tax Savings: $87 (25% of net income)
  • Lily’s Salary: $0

5 thoughts on “February 2020 Report: Only Averaging 60 Hours Now

  1. I am very thankful for the effort put on by you, to help us, Thank you so much for the post it is very helpful, keep posting such type of Article.

  2. Your efforts have certainly paid off, as indicated by the decrease in your marginal cost per hour of skating—from $7.06 in 2019 to $4.27 by 2020. This considerable reduction suggests that you’re effectively optimizing your skating chances while keeping expenditures under control.

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