[07/31/2016] On a Whim this morning, after someone pointed out this meter for the US election, Aaron decided he would use his morning to build me one. He did a bit of soldering and made a tiny wifi meter that changes its hand based on the Using PredictWise’s aggregated presidential winner data. If it switches closer to "fucked" then pack your bags and head away from the United States of Trump to come.
Pretty cool, eh?
We’re Here: Clocks and other Timepieces
Mood: 5/6
Sleep: 5h,58m (10:34PM to 7:33AM)
Miles Biked: 14.8
Miles Run: 0
Drinks of Alcohol: 2
Drinks of Caffeine: 2
Weather: 83F
Originally Posted on Flickr http://ift.tt/2at6Udq