Tune Out [7/365]

[07/14/2016] Hard day at work, still very much learning the ropes at my new job and feeling very unconfident about how to get the information I need to succeed. Definitely not pulling my weight yet and it’s not from lack of trying. The convention starts next week so there’s plenty to do until then- we’re…

Day 7: An Evening Out

[07/13/2016] Drank coffee this morning, which I try to avoid on weekdays, but I gave it a shot anyway. Turned out to be totally worth it: I had a very very productive day at work, debuting a Kanban board for tracking projects, cleaning out all my predecessor’s random junk in my office, and knocking out…

Evening cocktail [06/365]

[07/12/2016] Morning TRX workout followed by day of making sure designs got done, then came home to make dinner, and have a delicious cocktail with Aaron and finish the end of 30 Rock. We’re Here: Blur Baby Blur Mood: 4/6 Sleep: 8h,00m (09:46PM to 05:47AM) Miles Biked: 2.3 Miles Run: 0 Drinks of Alcohol: 3…

Black and White [02/365]

[07/08/2016] Slept in late post birthday-dinner so only went on a short run this morning with Aaron, then headed into the office for a very packed day. Settling into my second month of my new job is marked by really realizing I need to actually spend time learning and mastering the CC versions of Adobe…

Birthday on the Rooftop [1/365]

[07/07/2016] Turned 29 today. Had a birthday including a great 6AM workout with Kim at Barre3 (free for my birthday) followed by a coffee. Had a good, if packed day at work, then headed to rooftop drinks at Departure with my folks and Aaron. After an amazing vegan cheese platter at Vtopia, we stopped at…

Birthday on the Rooftop [1/365]

[07/07/2016] Turned 29 today. Had a birthday including a great 6AM workout with Kim at Barre3 (free for my birthday) followed by a coffee. Had a good, if packed day at work, then headed to rooftop drinks at Departure with my folks and Aaron. After an amazing vegan cheese platter at Vtopia, we stopped at…

The thumpa thumpa will never be the same

I haven’t said anything about the massacre in Orlando because I can’t articulate this tight feeling in my chest and the weight around my ears. I’m worried I’ll say the wrong thing, and I know whatever I’ll say will be inadequate. I found out right as I was arriving home from dancing my ass off…

Big News

I am excited to announceĀ I’ve accepted a position as theĀ Digital Director at the Democratic Party of Oregon. Leaving the Community Cycling Center, an organization whose mission, work, and staff are so dear to me was an extremely hard decision. But I know that the amazing team the Community Cycling Center will keep doing their exciting…