Each year I create a list of goals and resolutions, and I publish them here to keep me accountable. I’ve learned it doesn’t actually matter if other people read the posts, just me knowing that I’ve publicly stated my goals and will review them at the end of the year helps keep me accountable. You can read last year’s goals here and find out how I did here.
In 2021, I pursued a 22 goals – and overall, I did okay given how challenging 2021 was to be a person in the world.
In 2022, I have a lot of life changes happening. I’m starting a new job in a new-ish industry (retirement plan consulting). Before I can begin the job, I need to pass an exam and get licensed. Once I begin working, it will take a while for my income to ramp up as the work is on a by-project basis. I’m excited about the work, but scared about being back to an unstable income after two years of having a full-time day job.
This slow transition is only possible because of being able to be on my SO’s employer health insurance and all the cash I’ve built up in savings the past few years. I’m most hopeful that this change is a good investment in my future, and this is just temporary financial instability.
I’d also like to build up my Oh My Dollar! income again. Last year, I was more focused on my day job and the non-income-earning parts of Oh My Dollar! like our Pay It Furward workshops. The business’s income ($13,821 before expenses) was lower than in previous years. By focusing on expanding different revenue streams (affiliate and sponsorships), I can try to balance out my loss of a steady salary.
The other project that is going on this year is that my significant other is building a triplex. Eventually, we’re going to live in one of the units. While I won’t own the house, I’m involved in the design process because it will be my home, too. The project has been planned for 4 years at this point, but after years of permitting delays, we finally have a break ground date in March 2022. This means that we’ll likely be moving in early 2023, but I am hoping to document the design and building process as much as we can.
Big Rocks
- 22 in 2022 youtube video project
- Pass Series 65 and begin new job
- Design and work on triplex project
- Weekly German class
- Run + support challenges on OMD forums
- Create better systems for rewarding and engaging Patreons
- Launch text notification for livestreams
- Engage freelance writers for OMD blog
- Weekly livestreams
- Run a read-a-long for A Cat’s Guide to Money
- Teach 15 workshops with low-income young adults through Pay It Furward
- Run a regular Pedalpalooza ride again similar to Odd Tuesday Outing
- Breakfast on the Bridges volunteering when safe again
- Passing standard for Novice MIF test
- Choreograph a program and perform in a local exhibition
- Find ice dancing coach
- Take three ice dancing tests
- Twizzles on all sides
- Get over axel fear
- Regain consistency on one double jump
- Catch foot layback spin
- Improve Spiral
- 22 OMD Episodes
- One in-depth health care journalism piece
- One skating video
- House Files Series
- Collab with three people
- 100 Day Project of Some Sort
- Keep publishing monthly reports
- Save 22% of my gross income
- Stretch goal: save $20,220
- Increase non-patreon revenue to >50%
- Revisit ad revenue on the Oh My Dollar! forums
- Markets Willing: hit $100,000 net worth
Health (Mental + Physical)
- Keep health insurance all year
- Continue > 180 minutes of moderate to hard cardio each week
- Start meal prepping again
- Keep sleeping an average of 7-8 hrs a night