November 2022 Report: New Linen Sheets


a donut chart in shades of purple and green that show the expenses below

November really brought THE DARKNESS (outside mostly, but man I really do not want to leave the house after darkness at 4:30PM.)

A few things happened:

Shipping out theses adorable budgetober stickers to everyone who completed budgetober.

Working as audio tech on a cable access worship show last-minute.


Playing Betty Lou Who in a character grinch skate at Lloyd Center rink.

Looking for flooring! So many flooring decisions.

And our bottom sheet got a giant hole in it (after only two years!!!) so after much debate and research, we splurged for new linen sheets and comforter.

Full November 2022 Spending Report

Total Spent: $1,485.20

On track! 71% of my total annual budget at 92% of the way through the year.

Household & Insurance – $918.14

      • Rent: $655
      • Water, Commons, Garbage, Sewer: $32.50
      • Trash: $7.50
      • Electricity: $32.28
      • Household Items (detergent, TP, toothpaste, razors, etc): $84.37  – we got all new towels (after a decade) and a few other kitchen items on black Friday sales
      • Transit/Bike: $5.00
      • Sheets:  $101.49  This is the big splurge – our sheet ripped, and a few attempts at repairs and a few weeks of sleeping on a ripped sheet, we finally got a new set. They’re linen and dreamy. In between essential (sheets) and an indulgence.
      • Internet at Home: $0 This is now paid for by SSO’s employer due to being remote employee, was $20 per month.

Basic Food – $204.02

It’s gotten to the point where I cry a bit every time I grocery shop.

      • Basic Groceries: $193.32
      • Treats (non-essential snacks): $19.50
      • Coffee/Tea For Home: $14.97

Extra Food & Drink – $30.28

      • Restaurants: $30.28 Ramen when we went out for an evening performance, and some vegan cheesy bread.

Health – $48.70

      • Co-pays $48.70 – Telehealth copay and medication

Figure Skating $100.71

Since I got paid for a skating performance, I spent some of that money on replacing my holey tights and getting a new workout unitard.

      • Training Clothing: $100.71

Indulgences – $46.46

      • Streaming $15.49 Renewed netflix finally so I could watch young royals
      • Entertainment $29.68 Train holiday express ticket for social event next month
      • Spending Money: $1.29 

Looking Good – $93.82

      • Hair: $4.72 Conditioner
      • Makeup: $89.10 Refilled some makeup finally!

Giving: $20.00

      • Gifts/Mutual Aid: $20.00

Savings: $963.00

Retirement savings: $800
Cash savings: $163
YTD Total Savings: $5,731/$10,000

(57% Total of goal at 91% of the way through the year)

2 thoughts on “November 2022 Report: New Linen Sheets

  1. After a long day at work, playing the game “Love Tester” makes me feel cheerful and thrilled. I actually really enjoy playing the game. This game, which is themed on the color pink, will make me feel more in love with life than I ever have before.

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