April Expense Report

April – slacking on the gym front this month, indulging in caffeine abuse, and had my annual gym membership fee come due. Otherwise, a pretty boring (that’s good!) financial month.

50 Goals for 2017

So I had a big, beautiful post written called Hustle & Grace about how this year I’m focusing on actions not outcomes. And in it, I said that instead of publishing a massive list of goals for the year like I usually do, I am focusing on things within my control rather than externally-influenced outcomes. But to…

2016 New Year’s resolution review

I’ve been posting my new years resolutions online and then reviewing my success at the end of the year. 2016 was a giant cluster of crazy where absolutely nothing worked out the way it was planned. 2016, in a nutshell, was unpredictable: 3 totally different careers, a jump into self-employment, moving house with a week’s notice, a crazy presidential election, and, well, we’ll see how that did in the resolutions: